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+60 LiLt
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Bitcoins: Why They Will Change Our World? - An Introductory Adventure
Joshua Shapiro
$ 12
また 自由
+60 LiLt
- シェア
- 1セッション
- 106登録された学習者の総数
- English音声言語
Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro here, have you heard of BITCOINS? Why are many experts linked to business (names you will recognize) and entrepeneurship, internet ecommerce and so on saying this is bigger than the internet. Why are the Banks afraid of Bitcoins? Why must you know what they are and starting getting your own NOW or lose out on your future when they become as common place as your cell/mobile phones, the internet, computers, mp3 players, streaming and so on?
This class will answer all of these questions, its a beginner's class or introduction and I have the gift to simply explain the key ideas and concepts linked to the first digital currency which has existed since 2009 and is exploding now in 2017 -- as more and more people are getting their own bitcoins and more and more stores and company are accepting to receive payment for their products and services using them. This is truly a great revolution that has been happening and is about to expolde which you just have to be informed about and I am here to help you.
Who am I - well since last fall, I have been a teacher at Learn it Live but speaking mostly about world mysteries, the paranormal and my last class was an attempt to discuss the true history of our world (one we are not being taught in our schools). But I also have been an on-line marketer and entrepreneur since the internet came out in 1995 - working with all kinds of services and systems to promote my books, my on-line and public classes, and being very active with social media. But this year, after repeatedly having people throw Bitcoins in front of my face, I dived in in early May and now see why they are important for everyone and how they are changing our world forever. Imagine having a currency which the banks have nothing to do with and which over the past 6 weeks the value has gone up $1200 per bitcoin .... with experts saying it will sky rocket over the next few years. If I don't help you understand this I am doing you a great diservice indeed.
So join me in this introductory talk, as I explain what Bitcoins are and how I can help you get started to build up the bitcoins you can obtain. You will thank me one day for this class ... really.
So either you can join me live, Thursday, June 8th at 10 PM ET (7 PM PT) or wait for the recording to come out. This is a FREE class so you have nothing to lose except a little time and watch your live be enhanced forever - see you there ....
Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro
My Unbelievable Online Business
Coach for the Coin Brigade, a group linked with Bitcoins
This class will answer all of these questions, its a beginner's class or introduction and I have the gift to simply explain the key ideas and concepts linked to the first digital currency which has existed since 2009 and is exploding now in 2017 -- as more and more people are getting their own bitcoins and more and more stores and company are accepting to receive payment for their products and services using them. This is truly a great revolution that has been happening and is about to expolde which you just have to be informed about and I am here to help you.
Who am I - well since last fall, I have been a teacher at Learn it Live but speaking mostly about world mysteries, the paranormal and my last class was an attempt to discuss the true history of our world (one we are not being taught in our schools). But I also have been an on-line marketer and entrepreneur since the internet came out in 1995 - working with all kinds of services and systems to promote my books, my on-line and public classes, and being very active with social media. But this year, after repeatedly having people throw Bitcoins in front of my face, I dived in in early May and now see why they are important for everyone and how they are changing our world forever. Imagine having a currency which the banks have nothing to do with and which over the past 6 weeks the value has gone up $1200 per bitcoin .... with experts saying it will sky rocket over the next few years. If I don't help you understand this I am doing you a great diservice indeed.
So join me in this introductory talk, as I explain what Bitcoins are and how I can help you get started to build up the bitcoins you can obtain. You will thank me one day for this class ... really.
So either you can join me live, Thursday, June 8th at 10 PM ET (7 PM PT) or wait for the recording to come out. This is a FREE class so you have nothing to lose except a little time and watch your live be enhanced forever - see you there ....
Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro
My Unbelievable Online Business
Coach for the Coin Brigade, a group linked with Bitcoins

約 Joshua Shapiro

Joshua Shapiro
My name is Joshua Shapiro and along with my divine life partner Katrina Head and our 30+ personal crystal skulls we are known as the crystal skull explorers. We have been working together since 2009. I saw my first crystal skull in 1983 in San Jose, California...
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