Quiet Your Mind with Focus Phrases. Fabulous insight and info! I will be checking out your website for more info. I already found more of your tidbits on YouTube! This is good stuff... things that everyone in this day and age need to follow. Thank you!
Meditation has never been easier to grasp.. I got the first 4 phrases a few months ago. I was very excited to get all 12. I work with a mentally challenged community and they loved it. It was simple to understand and there was an instant feeling of wellness. Thanks, John
Enrichment, Enlightening, Euphoric. I shall now envelope the 12 Focus Phrases into my Being.
John's presentation is one big connection with his teachings along with his beautiful live pictures with each focus phrase. All synchronized as won.
Faith Fletcher
John Selby meditation. The techniques he teaches about meditation are really easy to understand and help one focus outside of their mind and into their body and the present moment.
Quiet Your Mind - stress relieving. It's interesting. Seems to be baby steps to understanding meditation, a not-so-easy subject to get across to the public. I plan on attending the rest of the classes offered to try to get a better understanding. Any help with stress-relieving these days is golden.
Awesomeness.... Great and wonderful lesson today. This is a great way to Learn by feeling inside vs leaning by your ego. I love all of these Focus Phrases John taught today. I cannot wait till next class. This class is just what I need at this time and place. I am growing deeper in learning to listen to self vs the outside world.
Faith Fletcher
happy to see meditation go mainstream. I have been meditating for years and sometimes it takes me a while to get to my still place.By saying silently,feeling and absorbing the four Focus Phrases without analyzing them I get to this moment by the end of experiencing them.
They seem simple,but so much meaning is in each of them.
Thank you.
Love and Peace Christina
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Even though we yearn for more joy and peace in our lives, most of us fixate overmuch on chronic worries and upsetting thoughts that make us feel anxious, unsatisfied, depressed and moody. Recent research based on ancient meditative insights has revealed a new short-form approach to shifting our experience into a brighter, more creative and compassionate mood.
Working with several colleagues, Psychologist John Selby, author of "Quiet Your Mind," "Seven Masters, One Path," and "Wisdom, Wellness, & Redefining Work," has recently developed the WizeWell Process for quickly and enjoyably quieting the flow of negative thoughts through your mind, so that you regain your inner center, recover from stress and fatigue, and wake up to your higher potential.
In this series of 6 online classes, John will step by step teach you his full method for regaining the present moment and re-activating your full potential. Both at work and at home, you can apply this WizeWell Process whenever needed to brighten your mood, improve your health, boost your performance - and bring more joy and peace to the world.
In John's words, "After many years of leading in-person seminars and intensive workshops, I want to explore the potential of these online interactive classes for meditative teaching and experiential sharing. So in these classes, we're going to discover to what extent we can actually experience each other's presence in the group, through focusing our attention together in special directions.
"We're going to explore a set of new Focus Phrases that my colleagues and I have been developing for the last decade. Where we focus our attention determines everything that happens in our lives. These coming classes will explore the power of Focus Phrases to aim our attention inward toward what seem to be the core shared spiritual experiences that make us truly human.
"At this point in my life, as a psychologist I find these Focus Phrases the most powerful cognitive tools for breaking free from habitual negative mindsets and moods, and releasing our potential for fulfilling our life purpose - and for enjoying each moment of the rest of our lives. I look forward to meeting you online, and exploring this new electronic medium for coming together."
For more, visit: www.breatherbreak.com
추가 정보
Each of John's 6 WizeWell weekly classes will focus on teaching you how to use four core Focus Phrases, covering the six universal life themes:
Week 1: Physical Wellbeing: "Enjoy This Moment" Week 2: Emotional Wellbeing: "Integrate Your Feelings" Week 3: Creative Wellbeing: "Unleash Your Insight Muse"
Because each week builds on the previous weeks, if you join this course after the first class airs, we encourage you to watch previous classes before taking the current class - see you there!
Schedule: SUNDAYS at 4pm PT,
... Visit John's site for more information: http://www.breatherbreak.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After growing up on a cattle ranch in California, I went to Princeton for a complete change - and became engrossed in my life study of consciousness - what does it mean to be aware, and how can we manage our own minds to our best advantage?
At 66, I'm...